Ten-Year-Old Boy Ponders Heaven and Hell

When we were kids, understanding the afterlife was confusing and frightening. A Southern writer gets inside the head of a boy who’s scared plumb to death.


The sooner I die the sooner I'll go
to Heaven, that is if I've been good and
I sure as Hell have tried though I've sinned heaps
to be just ten years old but I can't kill
myself, Miss Hooker warns, to get there, she's
my Sunday School teacher, a damned good one,
too, she's sure to go to Heaven when she
dies, if she ever does, I guess she must,
it's there in the Bible somewhere, no one
lives forever except God Himself and
Jesus and I guess the Holy Ghost and
funnily enough those folks who are dead
already, their souls I mean, their bodies

died back on earth and somebody buried
them and if you dig them up again like
they do at the movie matinees they're
pretty much all gone except for grinning
skulls. So I've got to go naturally
or accidentally, whatever is
the will of God but it can't be God's will
that I take my life myself, suicide's
illegal in God's eyes but then again
there's Jesus, God come down to earth as man
and always preparing to sacrifice
Himself and if that's not suicide then
it's being born again. I tried that once.

Sometimes When We Want Something We Don’t Know Why

I guess when I die I'll go to Heaven
and meet Jesus, at least if I'm good, or
maybe I get to meet Him anyhow,
long enough for God to judge my soul and
decide if I can stay up there, Heaven
that is, or have to go to Hell, if Hell
it is then I guess I'll remember for
a while, anyway, what Jesus was like
and maybe that will take the edge off all
my suffering there for Eternity.
Miss Hooker's my Sunday School teacher and
she says that it pays to be good because
you never know when it's God's will to take
you away, you could die at any time
so you'd better be ready, she says, and
get saved and that's the only way to get
right and not have to be afraid of where

your immortal soul will spend Forever.
I'm only ten years old to Miss Hooker's
25 but sometimes during class I
want to sin with her as the reason but
I don't know what I mean, exactly, just
that my body's seconding my mind so
I guess this is what it means to be grown
up and I'm not sure I like it, it hurts,
I'm not certain where if not everywhere,
maybe like starving but I don't want food.
After class today I asked Miss Hooker
why sometimes when we want something we don't
know why. She held me by the shoulders and
looked me in the eyes and told me to
ask my parents, even if they don't know
too. So I guess that I'm in death for life.

I'll go to Hell when I die and I'm good

with that, whatever I've earned I deserve

or is that the other way around and

could it be true coming and going but

anyway that's the story at Sunday

School, at our church at least, if you've been bad

and Jesus wasn't your Lord and Savior

and so on then when you die you're dead for

good, eternal life in Hell only and

you'll wish that you were dead again down there

but the best life-to-come comes with Heaven

is what they swear but even then you go

to Hell instead no matter if you've been

as good as good can be — if you don't be

-lieve that Jesus is the Son of God you're

doomed. Being dead's not for everybody.

At Sunday School they say that if I'm good

I get to go to Heaven when I die

and live forever, forget that I'll be

dead, that's not the point, not the usual

one, religion's different from what's real is

why it's religion, not reality,

which sort of makes sense though it goes around

in a circle but anyway circles

are perfect and so are God and Jesus

and the Holy Ghost, whoever He is,

I go to Sunday School religiously,

there's a lot of the same old thing being

said but even if it doesn't make much

sense it's good to hear, even the Hell-stuff.

That's where I get to go if I've been bad.


About the author

Gale Acuff

Gale Acuff has had hundreds of poems published in many countries and has authored three books of poetry. He has taught tertiary English courses in the United States, the People's Republic of China, and Palestine.


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