Salvation South Deluxe 16X9

The Salvation South Podcast

Chuck Reece, our editor-in-chief, brings you small thoughts and big stories on the Salvation South Podcast. Our feed collects Chuck's weekly Friday commentaries for Georgia Public Broadcasting , plus Salvation South Deluxe—special half-hour shows that unravel the untold stories of the Southern experience by letting you hear the authentic voices that make this region unique.

To listen to the commentaries live, tune into any GPB station (or listen live at at 7:45 a.m. during Morning Edition or at 4:44 p.m. during All Things Considered.

Or, to hear the commentaries and Deluxe episodes whenever you want, subscribe on your favorite podcast platform to listen whenever you want.


At the Welcome Table

Salvation South's chief everything officer, Stacy Reece, also runs Down South House & Home. Down South's podcast, At the Welcome Table, is a modern take on Southern living—anchored by Stacy's in-depth interviews with "ordinary Southern women who lead extraordinary lives."

This is how Stacy sets up At the Welcome Table: “I was born an eighth generation Georgian 121 days after Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act—in 1965. That means I grew up in a South that was radically different from the one my white ancestors knew. And while the arc of our beloved region’s history has bent toward justice over the course of my life, what it means to be Southern has changed too. So I want to find out what does it actually mean to be Southern in this modern world from ordinary women who make their little corner of the South a better place.”

At the Welcome Table is available wherever you get your podcasts, and all Season 2 episodes are available in video on YouTube.