Chuck Reece

Discomfort in Our Southern Skin

You know her as My Brightest Diamond. She’s one of the most multitalented women in 21st century music. And now, she’s reckoning with her Southern roots and a music industry that wants to box her in.

The Songs We Say

Salvation South kicks off a month-long celebration of Southern poetry with a soaring essay from Annie Woodford.

The Hero Who Wanted to Die

Daniel Wallace’s brother-in-law was his hero. But in the journals he left behind, Wallace discovered the darkness that claimed his idol’s life.

All That Ends Well Is Not

Daniel Wallace is one of the South’s greatest writers, and to dive into his most recent volume is to reckon with how hard it is to make peace with yourself and with others.

Maps and Legends

We welcome the renowned music writer Don McLeese to Salvation South with a story about the biggest legend in the history of Southern music.

Lonnie Holley: A Southern Icon

After a youth full of pain, the Alabama musician and artist creates joyous works that help us understand our region.

A Little Help

As more people read Salvation South, more writers want to contribute. Want to help us by reading submissions?

Stare History in the Face

If you come home to Atlanta, you have to look hard at that big old rock mountain.

Gotta Listen, Gotta Hear

Listening, truly and deeply, enriches your life. And we’ve got some voices worth hearing for you this week.

Taste It, Smell It, Hear It!

This week, Salvation South gets you ready to eat killer barbecue and celebrate Carnival Time.

Did You Know Lt. Europe?

This week, you can meet the Alabaman who, although his name is largely forgotten, changed American music forever.

Stuck in the Past

How to fix yourself if you hold on too tightly to what used to be.